How Fyndly Works

Simple steps to help you find lost items or return found ones to their owners.

I Lost Something

Create a Report

Fill out a simple form with details about your lost item, including when and where you last saw it.

Browse Found Items

Check our database of found items that match your description and location.

Get Connected

If there's a match, we'll help you connect with the finder to arrange retrieval.

I Found Something

Report Found Item

Submit details about the item you found, including location and time.

Review Lost Reports

Check if anyone has reported losing an item matching your found item.

Return the Item

Coordinate with the owner through our secure messaging system to return the item.

Common Questions

Can I delete my account and messages?

Yes, you can manage your account settings, including account deletion and message management, through your profile page.

How long do reports stay active?

Reports remain active for 30 days and can be renewed if needed.

Is my information secure?

Yes, we take privacy seriously and protect all user information.

What items can I report?

You can report any personal items except prohibited items listed in our terms.

Ready to Get Started?

Join Fyndly today and help make the Gold Coast a more connected community.

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